Edward Taaffe has a 10 year record of achievement in project and Programme management in both the private and public sectors ranging from negotiating with local authorities to use centralised shared services to introducing ground breaking technology to government and convincing them of the benefits of early adoption. Previously and interspersed with this, he has been an innovator, evangelist and product owner manager, helping bring new technical products to the market.
Often referred to as a Bridger™ Ed’s career has followed a path that combines almost ten year as a marketer and sales manager, where he acquired and polished his communication skills to a second career as a Software engineer and innovator. Edward uses many modern communication tools such as Prince 2 and Agile to support and frame communications in his projects, but he has always maintained that without the skills he brought with him to the table from his previous experiences he would have been poorly equipped for some of the challenges faced on a day to day basis.
Today, Edward provides Project management and Product development expertise as an Interim, or short term consultant as well as providing training sessions, reviews and coaching for project teams and Product management teams worldwide with particular emphasis on Data integration, .analysis and compliance issues in all sorts of customer oriented businesses.
Edward recently took up blogging as a way to reach out to fellow professionals and form strong relationships for knowledge and idea sharing. You can contact Edward directly via the details below or connect via Linkedin. Ed[at]thebridger.co.uk
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