Amateur Excel wizards-the simplicity, scale and incredible consequences of their errors are gobsmacking!

Nobody imagines they can copy a bit of code off the internet and write the next messenger app, or heart monitor, but frequently people, whose position and professional standing suggests they ought to know more, make a hasty edit to an excel sheet in between meetings with extraordinary consequences. * An accountant omitted a single … Read more

Problem solving relies on what came before and what will come after

Sometimes it is not just what you do but the order in which you do it that matters. You absolutely must develop an ability to see several layers of consequences ahead of the solution as well as several layers of cause and effect behind the problem and then juggle them at once in the way … Read more

How much damage can negative BIAS do to performance and quality of life?

Whether a manager, a sports person, an investor, or a dustman It is vital to understand our personal bias and manage it . Every decision we make requires some level of objectivity to stand a good chance of serving us well. “You’re faced with around 11 million pieces of information at any given moment, according … Read more

Machine learning warts and all

I wont be long-winded about this, I’ll discuss it via email with anyone who is interested, but I’ll break with my usual mode and come straight to the point. A great many people who know little at all of machine learning  and even less about people and many more who are simply  oblivious to the … Read more

Tim Berners Lee is on the money yet again.

There’s been some hype going around that the internet volumes are beginning to clog its arteries and that there are issues ahead. TBL reacted to this by saying something to the effect that; the internet is not at risk form volume of information but volume of misinformation. Let’s just think about that. There was a … Read more

Knowledge Management (KM)

Knowledge Management describes the function of Knowing what you know and profiting from it. Malhorta Implementing knowledge management thus has several dimensions including:  Strategy: Knowledge management strategy must be dependent on corporate strategy. The objective is to manage, share, and create relevant knowledge assets that will help meet tactical and strategic requirements. Organisational Culture: The organisational culture influences the … Read more

Data Mining explained for the layman

Data mining is a buzzword. What it describes is really a form of Machine learning and there is no definitive border between one of these many overlapping disciplines and another, so the takeaway is not to get too worried about it and ignore anyone who does unless they are your boss, or paying very well. … Read more

About the author

Edward Taaffe has a 10 year record of achievement in project and Programme management in both the private and public sectors ranging from negotiating with local authorities to use centralised shared services to introducing ground breaking technology to government and convincing them of the benefits of early adoption. Previously and interspersed with this, he has … Read more

Big Data

Big data is a term for data sets that are so large or complex that traditional data processing application software is inadequate to deal with them. Challenges include capture, storage, analysis, data curation, search, sharing, transfer, visualisation, querying, updating and information privacy. Software vendors, eager to sell you their wars have re-classified it describe ” All the data your business produces” and the claim … Read more