Testing requirements is not optional

Part one – What would you like sir Part two – Requirements,tests, training, help files Part three – Why no project exists onin isolation-whwat should be done Part four – Business rules, Process rules, Process, Data, different viewpoints Part five – Testing requirements is not optional Part six  -Requirements strategy can make or break your project Yes … Read more

Communication for project managers

Before you even consider communication with any audience from one person to 100 million people, you need to first gain their respect and trust. If you don’t, why should they listen to you.
Just like you they are bombarded with messages all day every day and they only have time to listen to a choice few that come from trusted sources , that gain their attention and arouse their interest.

Agile, Agile the rumblings continue. .

Your perception of agile is not right, you just don’t see the real benefits of agile because you are not a true agile practitioner, you just use it as a looser form waterfall when it suits you, but you never really took the faith. We are delivering year in and year out in a way we never could with a traditional approach.

When is a business case not a business case (part 4)

There a re a few fundamental rules to bear in mind when presenting any proposition:

1. Recognise and understand your audience so that you can directly target a known need or desire with your proposition.

2. Use the appropriate language and context to present your proposition.

3. Get your timing right.

4. Demonstrate understanding of and sensitivity to the operating environment.