Delivering benefits is no longer about getting a system signed off

(Who’s minding the shop?) This blog is an attempt to stimulate discussion and understanding of the balance of responsibility for delivering business benefits from IT investment. It is now fairly widely recognised that this is not as simple as choosing a system, getting it working and reaping the benefits, but as yet we can call … Read more

When is a business case not a business case (part two)

A key to building a rock solid business case is to understand the relationships between requirements, features, benefits and risks and to take a methodical approach to evaluating likely ROI as a key part of the process.

When is a business case not a business case (part three)

After all the bottom line in any busines case is going to be financial although individual stakeholder priorities and concerns will play important parts as will the organisation’s history with similar projects and even good old office politics will often play a part.

At this point I would caution that despite the importance of the figures, it would be foolish to present a business case without taking into account the stated aims of the business in it’s short and long term plans and the key performance indicators and critical success factors of the key stakeholders.