What to expect from a consultation

Thank you for applying for a free consultation. Somebody should be in touch very soon and hopefully you will be successful in finding a slot now.
We do get a high response at times ad we simply can’t see everyone, but at other times there is not a problem.

At theBridger we deliver a series of tried and tested consulting models under the broad heading of immersion, which I have no doubt you will have heard of.

These models provide the confidence and efficiency of using tried and tested techniques, but they are not rigid and everyone does not get the same service.

In a way this latter point is a key reason for offering the free consultation. We need to know that you problem area is one we can be confident of addressing with you and to know whether our approach is ideal for you.

It is also important for both you and ourselves that you understand and are comfortable with the approach before you commit to working with anyone.
We look forward therefore to spending between 30 and 60 minutes with you exploring your needs and discussing how we might be able to help.
We look forward to speaking with you very soon